Equilibrium Rho - Kinetic Blend and Madagascar Vanilla


Equilibrium Rho - Kinetic Blend and Madagascar Vanilla
Equilibrium Brewery holder til i Middletown, New York, og regnes som et av USAs mest ettertraktede og nyskapende bryggerier. Om dette ølet sier de: "This iteration of our Imperial Coffee Stout is conditioned on Equilibrium and Mostra Kinetic Blend coffee beans and Madagascar vanilla. Our Kinetic blend is our house blend we created with the help from the @mostracoffee team utilizing select origin coffee from Philippine Kisbong, Papua New Guinea and Brazil.
Rho Kinetic Blend and Vanilla has aromas and flavors of chocolate cake batter infused with rich cold brew and caramel at the forefront with a touch of just whipped vanilla frosting and a lingering coffee backbone. Balanced by a light bitterness, this decadent imperial stout finishes silky, creamy, and viscous."
Jeg noterte: Pitch black colour, moderate but lasting creamy brown head. Aroma of roast malts, coffee, vanilla, chocolate and alcohol. Creamy, rich and warming mouthfeel. Rich and sweet flavour with the same elements as the aroma. Simply outstanding! Prisen blir dessverre som en god vin - men her er smakene så intense at det er ingen skam å dele flasken på 2 personer.